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School Parliament
Welcome to Plaistow Hill's School Parliament page. We are excited to share with you the children's 'voice' of our school. We hope you enjoy meeting our School Parliament members and seeing how they work together to share the views and good ideas of everyone to make our school an even better place to be.
Our Members
We are pleased to announce our new School Council members for 2023-24.
Our Elections
The School Council helps children to understand the democratic process by giving everyone an opportunity to share their views and to take part in a vote to help make decisions.
Our Meetings
The School Parliament meet regularly and are involved in making decisions about all aspects of school life. They achieve this through:
1. Consulting with children in their classes, listening to their views and concerns and sharing these during meetings
2. Consulting with adults e.g. the Headteacher and sharing their collective ideas to help make decisions with Miss Tuckley
3. Reporting to all members of school
The School Parliament is also responsible for organising and running events to raise money for charities, representing their classes in assemblies and outside events.